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日田天領水獲得「The Wonder 500™」認證!


Hita Tenryou Sui has been certified as “The Wonder 500™”, one of the regional products chosen to represent Japan!

「日田天領水」是「The Wonder 500™」專案認證商品,該專案旨在挖掘享譽日本之優秀地方產品並向全球推廣。一直以來,我們以「為了日本乃至世界各地人們之健康」為企業目標,對我們而言,在此領域上邁出之每一步,都比獲得奧林匹克金牌更加令人欣喜。

董事長 石 井 嘉 時

Hita Tenryou Sui has been selected for “The Wonder 500™ TM” project which is a regionally-driven project designed to discover “local products that are the pride and joy of Japan but not yet known outside of Japan,” and then promote them around the world. The company has long held on to their company purpose of “praying for the health of the Japanese and people all over the world”, and feel proud that this achievement of taking one step forward is more valuable than taking the gold medal at the Olympic Games.

Yoshitoki Ishii, Representative Director and Chairman

「The Wonder 500™」專案以Cool Japan戰略為平臺,挖掘「尚未在全球範圍內廣為人知、享譽日本之優秀地方產品」,並將其推廣至海外。該專案從約600種符合推薦條件之產品以及約1300種符合公開徵集條件之產品中,透過30名代表日本之製作人進行鑒別以及公開徵集之方式,精選來自日本全國47個都道府縣之約500種產品。

The Wonder 500™ project is a regionally-driven Cool Japan project designed to discover “local products that are the pride and joy of Japan but not yet known outside of Japan,” and then promote them around the world. A total of 600 recommended products and 1,300 products gathered publicly of which 500 are then selected by 30 expert producers and public voting from the 47 administrative divisions in Japan.